Opening day
Submission deadlineNo deadline
Each candidate must fill in an abstract with
- a title with your name and a short scientific program title
- a content whose details are given on the overview page here
- your name as author
- a contribution and track (for review) corresponding to the chosen research thematic
- the master degree program you wish to enrol
- the research laboratory for your internship
- some personal information
and add the 5 required documents, in PDF format only and with imposed filename, in the attachments section:
- Motivation letter named Motivation_{your name}.pdf
- Proof of higher education diplomas named Diplomas_{your name}.pdf
- Curriculum Vitae named CV_{your name}.pdf
- Certificate of English level or French level named Certificate_{your name}.pdf
- Official identity document named Identity_{your name}.pdf
In order to complete the submission, you have to create an account using a valid email address by clicking on the link :
- you can create one here